List of Veritas useful commands
Start service group
hagrp -online med5_sg -sys lnx-rosmed5
Create service group pmm_sg with NIC and IP resources
haconf -makerw
hagrp -add pmm_sg
hagrp -modify pmm_sg SystemList lnx-rosmed1 0 lnx-rosmed3 1
hares -add pmm_ip IP pmm_sg
hares -modify pmm_ip NetMask ""
hares -modify pmm_ip Device "eth0"
hares -modify pmm_ip Address ""
hares -modify pmm_ip Enabled 1
hares -add pmm_nic NIC pmm_sg
hares -modify pmm_nic Mii "1"
hares -modify pmm_nic Device "eth0"
hares -modify pmm_nic PingOptimize "1"
hares -modify pmm_nic Enabled 1
hares -link pmm_ip pmm_nic
haconf -dump -makero
hagrp -add pmm_sg
hagrp -modify pmm_sg SystemList lnx-rosmed1 0 lnx-rosmed3 1
hares -add pmm_ip IP pmm_sg
hares -modify pmm_ip NetMask ""
hares -modify pmm_ip Device "eth0"
hares -modify pmm_ip Address ""
hares -modify pmm_ip Enabled 1
hares -add pmm_nic NIC pmm_sg
hares -modify pmm_nic Mii "1"
hares -modify pmm_nic Device "eth0"
hares -modify pmm_nic PingOptimize "1"
hares -modify pmm_nic Enabled 1
hares -link pmm_ip pmm_nic
haconf -dump -makero
Log files location
Open config for writing
haconf -makerw
Freeze group
hagrp -freeze med4_sg -persistent
Close configuration (read only)
haconf -dump -makero
Configuration summary:
hastatus -sum
If Agent in Faulted state:
haagent -start NetracApache -sys lnx-rosweb1
Import disk group (adding block device to /dev/...):
vxdg import orabck-dg
View all disks and disk groups:
vxdisk -o alldgs list
Check CPS server status:
cpsadm -s -a ping_cps
Find WWN under linux:
cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/fc_host/host*/node_name
Check interconnection status:
gabconfig -a
Check all DMP nodes (for paths, etc):
vxdmpadm list dmpnode all
Map VxVM name in iostat output:
for vol in `vxprint -g sfsdg | grep "^v " | awk '{ print $2}'`;do vxprint -g sfsdg $vol -F " vol=%vol minor=%minor"; done
Check vxstat:
vxdmpadm -u m iostat show dmpnodename=storwizev70000_00006c interval=1 count=1000