On the road again

The list of useful Git commands with short description

Git checkout remote branch:
git checkout -b test origin/test
Clone with submodules:
git clone --recursive https://gerrit.mcp.mirantis.net/salt-models/mcp-virtual-lab
Clone branch:
git clone -b -- recursive <branch> <remote_repo>
Set user name and email (local):
git config --global user.name "Alex Grudev"
git config --global user.email "Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її."
git config --global --list
Change committer address for particular commit:
git config --local user.email "email.address"
git commit --amend --author="Oleksii Grudev <email.address>"
Check status (will also give a branch):
git status
Adding file to staging area (no commit):
git add start.txt
git add -A
git push origin master
Start new project (locally, will create a folder):
git init fresh-project
git pull origin master
Fetch (non-destructive):
git fetch origin master
Add and commit:
commit -am "adding new file"
Un-stage the file ( get from staging area, not to change itself):
git reset HEAD newfile.txt
Discard changes (locally):
git checkout -- newfile.txt
Move (rename) with git (in s
git mv file1.txt file2.txt
taging area):
git log
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
git log --since="3 days ago"
git log -- newline.txt
git config --global alias.hist "log --oneline --graph --decorate"
Exclude files:
create .gitignore file with names of files, folders, wildcards (one per line)
git diff (working area and staging area)
git diff HEAD (working area and local rit repo)
git diff --staged HEAD (staging area and local git repo)
git diff commit_id HEAD (between certain commit and HEAD commit in the branch)
git diff HEAD HEAD^ (commit HEAD and HEAD-1)
git diff commit_id commit_id (between certain commits)
git diff master origin/master (between local repo and remote)
Branches and merging:
git branch -a (view)
git branch dev (add dev branch)
git checkout dev (swith to dev branch)
git diff master dev (changes between master and dev branches) # usually before merge
git merge dev (merge dev to master, fast-forward); possible with a message: git merge dev -m "merging branch"
git merge dev --no-ff (no fast forward)
git branch -d dev (delete dev branch)
git diff master dev (comparing master and dev branches)
git rebase master (rebase master branch to dev branch, then need to merge dev to master)
git rebase --abort (abort rebase in case of conflict)
git rebase --continue (continue rebase after resolving a conflict)
git pull --rebase origin master (rebase from remote (github))
Stashing (working progress):
git stash (after making changes), then git stash apply
git stash list
git stash drop (deletes unneeded stash since we already issued stash apply)
git stash -u (add stash for untracked file)
git stash pop (==git stash apply && git stash drop)
git stash save "message" (names if u have several stashes)
git stash show stash@{1) (show stash with index taken from git stash list)
git stash apply stash@{1) (apply certain stash)
git stash drop stash@{1) (drop certain stash)
git stash clear (delete all stashes)
git stash branch newbranch (move stashes to new branch)
git tag myTag (just a marker for commit, able to see in git log)
git tag --list
git show myTag (show particular commit)
git tag --delete myTag (delete tag)
git reflog (log==history, reflog==full history)
git reset ID (e.g from reflog - so you can revert everything)
Команда git cherry-pick  позволяет забрать один коммит из другой ветки и вставить его в текущую. В качестве параметра
передаётся идентификатор коммита в другой ветке.
git cherry-pick ID
View history on the file:
git blame ./haproxy/files/haproxy.cfg
git show 48d3830
Undo last commit:
git reset --soft HEAD~1
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